So my friend Peter Doucet of Speed Skate World (see the Blog Roll on the right) has once again been published on the Inline Planet. Well done Peter, and the day before my birthday, coincidence? I think so! But Peter since when has cooking been a hobby? If that's the case, what does our speed skating chef specialize in? I hope not Kilgogi.
Lesley, my wife, has decided that she wants to learn how to skate. I cannot describe the elation I felt at that announcement, sk8ette dreams perhaps? Oddly she wants to learn to skate so she can play hockey. This may go down as the strangest marriage in Canada. For the record, my Chinese born wife grew up in tropical Hong Kong and just slightly north of the tropics Shanghai. Now she wants to engage in that most Canadian of sports, the good ole' Hockey game. (Meanwhile her fourth or is it fifth? generation Canadian husband wants to... well frankly move to Australia, I hate this cold.)
I had a chance to read through Sigrid's Blog (see the Blog Roll on the right) today. One thing that I noticed Sigrid said is that sometimes your ability in one sport improves by doing a different activity. Its true, sometimes in the summer I think I concentrate too much on skating better, further, faster. I should probably take it easy, then again, that's really what winter is for, unless of course, I start ice skating.
For my birthday my parents bought me a lottery ticket (frankly if that was all they bought me I would say they spent too much, but of course there was more). Anyway the reason for the ticket, when I was younger and had no mortgage I used to tell my dad the $2.00 a week he spent on tickets would be more wisely spent on belly button lint, which is true. Now that I am in debt up to my ears I joke about what I would do if I won. Naturally I'll never win, I don't piss away my money on lottery tickets, so I think my dad's perverse sense of humor kicks in when he gives me a Super7 ticket and I have to figure out if I actually won anything. Turns out I did, a free Super7 ticket! Fate, it seems, is not without a good strong sense of irony.
On a networking related note, if there are any network architects out there, getting an Autonomous System number from the American Registry of Internet Numbers is ludicrously easier than I was lead to believe. It is probably for the best if I do not go into detail, suffice it to say, not everything in computing is as hard as you are told.
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1 comment:
Before Wotherspoon shattered the 500m WR earlier this season - he worked on a fishing troller and cross trained with bobsleders. Lance Armstrong "works" on his super smooth pedal stroke by riding a mountain bike (in the mountain stages of the tour he is seldom seen mashing gears, instead, he's smoothly spinning along), Eric Heiden and Clara Hughes switched back and forth between cycling and speed skating, I won my first ever, overall marathon after spending my off season swimming followed by three months of ONLY cycling to work (I skated perhaps, once per week and NEVER did intervals.) Go figure.
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