These were the first pictures of my custom skates from Facebook. (Two more photo albums left then new content, and no more facebook. I promise.)
Although I have been told the skates have shipped, actually got the email to my Blackberry last night while at the Toronto Inline Skate Club (TISC) practice, the only thing I have to go on at this point is this marketing image. It turns out there was some confusion, but the end retailer is going to set me right, course until things get fixed I am stuck on my old K2s and Rollerblades. Oh well! (Posted August 29, 2007)
Here is the original packaging, prior to opening, and open it up we get... (posted August 30, 2007)
WTF!!! I ordered black skates, these are white. Bont calls it Pesti white, I call it Vile white! Damnit, after shipping to the wrong address, waiting, litterally ten months, they get my order wrong. I am never getting Bont again! (Posted August 30, 2007)
This is the box the re-shelled Vaypors came in. I sent to China to get re-shelled, so after arriving from China, being sent back to China and then returning to Canada, three trips across the Pacific Ocean in 30 days! (Posted September 26, 2007)
I open the box and... Ah ha! They are black! Sweet! (posted September 26, 2007)
The flash from the camera makes them look kind of disgusting actually. But I am sure once I get some frames and wheels attached they will be a sight to see. (Posted September 26, 2007)
My customs, notice the large wheels, those are 110mm in diameter... 110 wheels baby!! (posted September 26, 2007)
The blue wheels really don't work, they are Gyro F2-110, but doesn't matter, I am saving my Yellow Matters (F1110) for Scooters (indoor). (posted September 26, 2007)
A third and final view, I cannot take a picture of the weight of these things, but far and away the heaviest component is the wheel and bearings, frames and boots weigh next to nothing. (posted September 26, 2007)
What an ordeal. You should have just driven down to Ottawa and bought them from Il Peloton. Unless you got some kind of crazy sweet deal.
Okay 500km Toronto to Ottawa, 500km back, assume it costs $0.40/km in wear tear and gas, that's a $400 Ottawa premium. I don't think so.
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