Its Super Duper Tuesday. I tried to get some good informed data from The Daily Show. But Comedy Central's website SUCKS. I cannot watch reruns of old shows, I cannot watch clips linked to from other sites of old shows - the videos just don't work. Here in Canada, and I imagine in the States too, The Comedy network has been running an ad campagin for their website saying "with 95% less suckage", well, I've got really bad news guys. Release! At least The Daily Show on Youtube worked. I swear I'm gonna have to get a DVR becuase there is just no way I can stay up until 11:30 for my nightly fix of John Stewart. (They even stopped running a rerun of The Daily Show at 9:30pm, the rotten scum.)
In other news, would Billary come to his/her senses, the 90s are over. The country needs a real president, desperately. Cleaning up after four years of the first Bush was something Bill was clearly underqualified for, eight years of this spawn is going to take 30 years of great presidents and Clinton's appeal to an easy escape just won't work. The country needs to be modivated, the country needs hope, the country does not need another blow job flake.
I am going to watch CNN, with my fingers crossed. Any American's reading this, here's a big hint in a language that is natively American. You own a shop, business is doing badly, what's the first thing you do? Hang out a big sign "under new management" and hope to everything holy the World notices and comes back to do business with you. And by god, electing another white guy or a Clinton is so totally the message you don't want to be sending.
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