I believe it was Oliver Wendell Holmes who said Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. When you think about what we get for our taxes it really is pretty impressive, safe roads, universal health care, clean water, public education. Still the thought that for every dollar I earn, roughly $0.50 will pay for a civilized society and I only get to pocket the other 50 cents, less the mortgage and the groceries and the auto insurance and... blah blah blah. "Another day older and deeper in debt."
It occurs to me as I read the previous paragraph, Americans who read this article will take almost no value from it. Safe roads? Universal health care? Public Education? But at least you guys are making an Empire in West Asia. The British did something like that too, just over a hundred years ago, one day you guys should get your State Department to go ask the English how their little Imperial experiment worked out. I think on the balance England is worse off for it.
Anyway I wanted to talk about taxes because ironically that's how I get to pay for my bike. I have not had the chance to actually file my return yet, but I was trying to figure out roughly where I stood and for anyone who is waiting to get at some other person's tax software (and is Canadian) this website might be useful. According to that tax estimator I will be getting back enough money to pay for our trip to Texas and the new bike. Yipeee!
Anyone out there who honestly thought I was going to talk about money this whole post? (Sorry but if everyone does their April 1st on the same day it gets kind of predictable doesn't it?)
Anyway I actually wanted to point out the new survey. I'm rather surprised nobody (besides me) voted, so far. Yes, I know, I voted for Bush over Nixon or Hoover, what was I smoking? Well actually its debatable who is/was worse, Nixon or Bush, but I think in a race for the bottom either of those two beat Hoover hands down. Mind you a guy who could literally sleep through his entire presidency (Coolidge) deserves a special mention. There is a story, when Harding died and Coolidge found out he was the President he declared that he should get an ice cream. He would go on to sleep an average of ten hours per day, every day, and take an afternoon nap. Sure Bush vacations more than any president before him, but honestly, how many people can lay claim to being the President of the United States and catching up on their shut eye, at the same time? (Meanwhile the country slid into depression.) As for John Tyler, lovable guy, not only did he veto most of his own party's agenda, he annexed the state of Texas. The movie, Full Metal Jacket tells you all you need to know about Texas.
For any offended Americans, don't get too upset, I'd never do worst Prime Minister of Canada, the fact is, there isn't enough space to list all of them! And who to pick? That would be a hard question. And any offended Texans? After what you spawned on the rest of the world, I'm thinking if anyone is going to be apologizing it ought to be you guys. (And voting for another Clinton over Obama? What is wrong with you people! Geez. Now go on and move to a real state, like the District of Columbia.)
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