Given that my neighbour was not clipped into her pedals she did reasonably well for herself. But if there had been more time I would have liked to go a lot further. It seems rather silly to me to get all suited up and then just do 40 or 50km.
Sunday was the regular BCC Sunday morning ride. I have to admit I found it frustrating, and it took me a while to figure out why. I am of the school of thought that says, if this is a group ride we ride as a group, so periodically the group ought to wait for anyone who has been dropped. I made sure on more than one occasion to stop the entire pack long enough for everyone to get back on. Ultimately though I got dropped, I have a problem wherein I don't pace myself properly. I was really strong for the first 40 or 45km but then I started to wear out. Yes I was with the advanced group, my bad, but generally I can hold my own with them. On Sunday when I went for the ride I found that after a while sustaining 37~40km/h was just too hard and I had to throttle back to 30km/h.
There is quite possibly no feeling as bad as when the whole pack up and drops you, with no one willing to go a little slower to make sure you get home alright. I did make it home alright, but still the message the pack sent me every time they ran a red light as I got close, or took off as soon as a train cleared the intersection, again as I got close, was pretty clear.
After the coffee stop I rode home with some slower guys, this time I made sure to have a formal no drop policy in effect, and thank goodness, a road was closed and it turned out that one of the guys who had told us not to worry about him earlier was the only one who knew their way around the neighbourhood where the closure was.
Riding as fast as you possibly can is fun, but riding with friends is a lot better.
Anyway here is the route on Sunday or see below.
Here are some pictures from that ride, notice I am wearing the bright red booties, at least you can pick me out from a mile away!

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