Okay with a subject like that, and given that right now my thoughts are of the upcoming municipal election, one might expect I would go after the highly bombastic, bullying, obese, wife abusing, drug addicted, DWI (in Florida in 1999, same time he got busted for pot) candidate for mayor (and ahead in the polls) Robert Ford.
Now in fairness, whenever Mister Ford opens his mouth he reminds me of the guy who sold me my beat up used VW Jetta. (I ended up needing to do all kinds of work to make the car road worthy, because the dealer was a liar and a crook, hey he was a used car salesman, every time I hear Rob Ford open that mouth of his I cringe.
Anyway I do not need to rant, this morning I got around to reading the Focus section (Editorials section) of the Saturday Globe and Mail. (Hey it takes me a week to plow through a Saturday Globe, but I do keep up on the website... or used to, ever since they redesigned everything I've been seriously contemplating cancelling my subscription, that paper really went down hill fast.)
Anyway in the Saturday Focus section of The Globe there was an article about how Mister Ford is an everyman because he is fat. I cannot show the article here because The Globe pulled it from their website on account of the fact that the Ford people were complaining it was offensive and inappropriate. (This from a guy who routinely bullies his fellow councillors during council meetings, just do a YouTube search for Rob Ford, there are tons of examples.)
But my personal favorite, Rob Ford has a single lawn sign, it's white with red and blue print, as if he were American or something! (News flash Mister Ford, Toronto is, last I checked, still in Canada.) Anyway more significantly, the sign reads something to the effect of "Rob Ford, Respect for taxpayers." Of course it might help here if I explained something, Rob Ford says he will reduce our taxes, while cutting spending (fair enough), yet have no impact to front line services (excuse me?) and reduce the municipal budget deficit at the same time (WTF??). How is this respect for rate payers? When last I checked, building roads, sewers, hiring police and firefighters cost money. Paying down the debt costs money, this money comes from taxes. How on earth is it respectful to say "I will do the impossible if I am elected." Frankly that is the Rob Ford "Respect for Taxpayers".
Certainly there is very little respect for voters intelligence, but then Toronto is a pretty tolerant city, we had the first legal gay marriage, and gay divorce in North America, city publications go out in something like 23 different languages, our gay pride parade is one of the biggest in the world. I think we'd rather have the "Kenyan, Muslin, student of Rev. Wright, palin around with terrorists" black fellow by the name of President Obama as our Prime Minister than that scary white guy from Alberta who really is an economic terrorist! (Well personally I'd rather have Prime Minister Obama on his worst day than Stephen Harper any day!) Anyway my point is, sure we're tolerant, we are so tolerant we will take a blithering idiot and make him our mayor, heck we did it once already, Mel Lastman! So I guess the real question is, would a Mayor Ford be worse or just as bad as Mayor Lastman? My money is on Ford being worse.
Anyway enough wining about a guy who cannot control his eating, or wife abusing. (Sorry but then you know, if you run for public office, probably not wise to hit your wife... and no, just because I never hit Lesley does not in any way imply I plan to run for office, rather it implies I have a very small amount of decency.)
On a totally unrelated note, on Thanksgiving Monday, October 11, I rotated Jordan's tires. I rode to work on Tuesday and Friday, I rode on Saturday, Sunday and again to work yesterday (Monday). In one week I covered over 500km, I am already past the half way point to another tire rotation. Holy smokes! No wonder my legs are sore. I love riding, too bad it was raining this morning or I'd be past 600km by the end of today. Maybe a weather induced break will be a good thing though, like I said, my legs are sore. A couple days of healing will probably do a lot of good.
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