Recent events in Japan have been very troubling. I was listening to the Radio and CBC had an expert on Nuclear reactors on. The expert was outlining how roughly 2% of all the workers stuck at the Fukushima plant will develop fatal cancer within, I think it was a year, as a result of their efforts. The expert went on to point out that while all the workers were sure to volunteer for such a risky role there would be no problem finding volunteers as this is Japan where society places honour in such a high regard.
I have to admit I am rather impressed, if I worked as say a Computer Network Analyst at Pickering and there was an Earthquake or some other disaster, volunteering to help out would not be high on my list of priorities, I think. I don't know, I guess I should be grateful that I am not in a position where volunteering to put my life on the line is something my job would ever require.
Anyway I happened upon this article by the Union of Concerned Scientists. It does explain a lot about why the reactor just will not shutdown. A problem I do not think the traditional Candu design has, suddenly Candu does not look so bad. Still makes me think, maybe we really do not have any long term solutions for our energy needs, maybe we will be living like we did at the turn of the nineteenth century when the oil runs out.
In the meantime I am going to donate to the Red Cross for the Japan Earthquake - it is the very least I can do.
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