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Monday, April 4, 2011

On Weekend Rides

I do not have my GPS with me now, so no statistics. But I do recall that on Friday evening I rebuilt Jordan, well actually the rebuild was a week long affair culminating in Malcom from Biseagal tightening the cables up and adjusting the gearing. Now I should add here that when I rebuilt Jordan I put new levers, derailleurs and logically cables on her so that when the gears started misbehaving on the Saturday morning ride, I just assumed there was some seriously ugly cable stretch going on. So Saturday just before noon I rode back to Malcom, right after the ride, and asked him to have a look.

I should probably insert here the part where I confess to having taken apart my crankset about a dozen or so times in the past to clean it.

Returning to my story, Malcom has a quick look at my sweet little ride and I end up taking a Taxi home. Below are some pictures of my 39 chain ring. (It is a good thing I had a spare crankset at home. Yes I really do keep an emergency 53/39 crankset!)

The next day Ian Wilcox and I went for a little ride, well actually the whole Beaches Cycling Club went for a ride, but Ian and I went further. It was a beautiful route. We went up Leslie, but I did not feel like riding through New Market so at Vandorf we went east to Warden and along Vivian. Then to avoid yet more busy roads we took 9'th line south all the way from Vivian, it was wonderful, hardly a car, a bunch of joggers and an occasional walker. It was riding, the way riding a bike is supposed to be. By the time I got home I was in all kinds of pain and loving every bit of it. I should go on more rides like that. Anyway here is a route, very much worth doing again, or possibly (since Warden is a very quiet road early in the morning on weekends) just take Warden north right from the beginning.
And here are some pictures of me on that ride.

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