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Thursday, May 26, 2011

On Rides, short and long

This past weekend was the Victoria Day long weekend. I had hoped to do club rides on Saturday and Sunday and a long ride Monday. Now my original plan for Monday was Forks of the Credit, but it turned out there was construction out there so instead my revised route called for a Lake Simcoe Monday. Then it turned out that it was going to rain on Monday and Sunday so I moved Lake Simcoe to Saturday.

I strongly suspect, well I know actually, because I kept moving the dates around a lot of the guys could not come out. In the end I did the full 180km by myself. Not that I minded, I took my iPod and listened to Trance for six and a half hours, turns out Trance is great music to train to.

Sometimes you get a really good song with a tail wind and suddenly you feel like the greatest thing on Earth. Such a thing happened as I was working my way east from Leslie Street to Warden at 19'th Ave. I had to climb the highway 404 overpass and the sun hit me head on with green fields all around and not a car in sight. I cannot describe what a wonderful feeling it was. It was a glorious ride, although I did push myself too hard, my stops were very short, just refills and quick washroom breaks, then back on the saddle. By the time I got home I was hurting. I did stop to take a few pictures.

On account of bad weather predictions, though the weather's been pretty good, I've been spending my time on the beater bike, which is actually a really good way to train. Holy smoke it hurts going anywhere at all! I do a couple one hour rides full out on the beater I'd clobber everyone at an ITT on Alex (my ITT bike). Anyway this morning I was just on my morning ride to work, on the beater, in the rain. And at a red light a group rolls past me (they were going North, I had to turn but there was no right turns on red), once the light changes I see red and hammer and catch up with them pretty quick. Turns out they were the Morning Glory group out for, a wet ride I guess. Then I discover why I hate group rides in the rain. I have fenders they have pretty Cervelo's, mostly Cervelo's (will not rant... will NOT say anything bad about Cervelo... must... resist urge!)

I tried to drop off their back, but despite the fact that I have office cloths and my lunch in my backpack, and am on a 25-30 year-old steel beater with a busted 6600 Ultegra groupset I still get to the front of their pelaton. (At least I did not give them rooster tails!) I guess they were out for a long ride and wanted to save their strength, mind you it is Thursday, don't they have to work? Maybe their rides don't work well in the rain, or maybe the machine needs a better engine? Sorry, I should not talk like that. :)

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