Clifton, aka Clarence aka a bunch of other names I cannot be bothered to report (see the related blog posts, here and here) hasn't written me in over 24 hours. I'd like to hope nobody shutdown his gmail account, anyway I tried to provoke him today, here's what I wrote.
Hi Clarence,
I haven't heard from you, I miss you baby. My readers are missing you too, please write back soon. Your scams help boost my blog's hit counter.
Looking forward to your attempts to sucker me again, but lets not wait... October 2010 to March 2012... lets call it 16 months.
With affection,
The guy you tried to sucker and failed at.
P.S. How did you figure out I was on to you? The fact that you remembered my email address this time? The use of Eastern European countires that haven't existed in over ten... fifteen! years? My uncle was the Prime Minsiter of England or that my home address is the residence of the Prime Minister of Canada?
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
On More Scams, the scam goes on.
I ended my post yesterday with the following to ole' Clarance, I mean Clifton..., oh who cares!
(As before, my writing is in blue ink, Clifton is in red ink and for those of you who have something for sale on Craigslist and got an email from cliftongemni(at), he's some sort of scammer, I am going to try to figure out what his game is.)
Where are you located? Are you sure you don't want to see this thing first? Wouldn't it make more sense to inspect the bike before you buy it?
Well I heard back from my little Nigerian friend:
Thanks for your prompt okay with it and i want to buying it right away at the rate of (US$3500.00).I am satisfied with the description of it in which it would be convenient for me to pay through PayPal.I am not available to check it up before purchasing but i have checked the necessary details of the advert...If you are not familiar with PayPal,i would suggest you visit and make a registration with them and contact me with your PayPal email address after completing the registration.I am presently making proper arrangement with my picker in order for him to schedule how to come for the pick up of the item after payment is made.Please get back to me with your PayPal email address so that i can proceed with the payment.
Now for regular readers much of this lanaugage will look famalier, in particular, if we review my post of October 7, 2010 we get the following from one Clarence Rose:
I so much appreciate your response to my earlier mail. I wish to let you know that I'm satisfied with the condition. Like I said there's no doubt I'm gonna purchase it. Therefore I want you to consider it sold by withdrawing the advert from craigslist. Note that you will not be responsible for shipping and handling. My shipping company will come to your location for pick up. Kindly provide me your name and full address, so i can forward it to the shipping company to calculate the cost of pick up for me. Please get back to me as soon as possible.
May your troubles be less, your blessings more.
and nothing but happiness comes through your door.
Okay, not verbatim the same, but very similar. In particular, the business about being satisfied with the condition, now he's satisfied with the description. Anyway I think he just wants to rip people off, lets give him some BS to feed on, first create an email address, or use a hotmail account that is the great depot for all things Spamish. Next create a Paypal account, here's the confirmation email:
Finally, lets send ole' Clifon an invoice (boy Paypal sure does make this easy, too bad I apparently live in the residence of the Prime Minister of Canada!):
Finally we write this piece of work scammer a little note,
Hi Clifon,
So where in Europe are you stationed? East Germany? Yugoslavia? Czechoslovakia? Anyway I sent an invoice to you from As soon as I recieve payment you can pick up your bike.
Say I have an uncle stationed in the Nato base in Darfur Albania, have you ever been there? Perhaps you met him, his name is David Cameron.
If I thought Clifton had any brains at all I wouldn't list countires that don't exist any longer, East Germany... Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, besides these are all East Bloc nations, members of the Warsaw Pact, although I suspose there may be NATO bases in the Czech republic, there is certainly a few bases in Germany. What was Yugoslavia, hasn't been in the news lately, thank goodness. But really, Darfur Albania... of course none of my uncles are the Prime Minister of England!
I'm sure there's more good stuff coming my way soon!
(As before, my writing is in blue ink, Clifton is in red ink and for those of you who have something for sale on Craigslist and got an email from cliftongemni(at), he's some sort of scammer, I am going to try to figure out what his game is.)
Where are you located? Are you sure you don't want to see this thing first? Wouldn't it make more sense to inspect the bike before you buy it?
Well I heard back from my little Nigerian friend:
Thanks for your prompt okay with it and i want to buying it right away at the rate of (US$3500.00).I am satisfied with the description of it in which it would be convenient for me to pay through PayPal.I am not available to check it up before purchasing but i have checked the necessary details of the advert...If you are not familiar with PayPal,i would suggest you visit and make a registration with them and contact me with your PayPal email address after completing the registration.I am presently making proper arrangement with my picker in order for him to schedule how to come for the pick up of the item after payment is made.Please get back to me with your PayPal email address so that i can proceed with the payment.
Now for regular readers much of this lanaugage will look famalier, in particular, if we review my post of October 7, 2010 we get the following from one Clarence Rose:
I so much appreciate your response to my earlier mail. I wish to let you know that I'm satisfied with the condition. Like I said there's no doubt I'm gonna purchase it. Therefore I want you to consider it sold by withdrawing the advert from craigslist. Note that you will not be responsible for shipping and handling. My shipping company will come to your location for pick up. Kindly provide me your name and full address, so i can forward it to the shipping company to calculate the cost of pick up for me. Please get back to me as soon as possible.
May your troubles be less, your blessings more.
and nothing but happiness comes through your door.
Okay, not verbatim the same, but very similar. In particular, the business about being satisfied with the condition, now he's satisfied with the description. Anyway I think he just wants to rip people off, lets give him some BS to feed on, first create an email address, or use a hotmail account that is the great depot for all things Spamish. Next create a Paypal account, here's the confirmation email:
Finally, lets send ole' Clifon an invoice (boy Paypal sure does make this easy, too bad I apparently live in the residence of the Prime Minister of Canada!):
Finally we write this piece of work scammer a little note,
Hi Clifon,
So where in Europe are you stationed? East Germany? Yugoslavia? Czechoslovakia? Anyway I sent an invoice to you from As soon as I recieve payment you can pick up your bike.
Say I have an uncle stationed in the Nato base in Darfur Albania, have you ever been there? Perhaps you met him, his name is David Cameron.
If I thought Clifton had any brains at all I wouldn't list countires that don't exist any longer, East Germany... Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, besides these are all East Bloc nations, members of the Warsaw Pact, although I suspose there may be NATO bases in the Czech republic, there is certainly a few bases in Germany. What was Yugoslavia, hasn't been in the news lately, thank goodness. But really, Darfur Albania... of course none of my uncles are the Prime Minister of England!
I'm sure there's more good stuff coming my way soon!
Monday, March 26, 2012
On More Scams... from the same damned person!
So the story goes that a guy loves to lure in those Nigerian scammers, remember them? The ones who would tell you they were the wife, cousin, uncle, whatever of some fantisctially rich person and they needed you to help them get their money out of Nigeria, Europe, The Moon, whatever. Anyway this guy, the Ebola Monkey Man, clearly deserves a medal!, but, well I wish he was posting bicycles on Craigslist.
Back in October 2010 I tried to sell a frame I've got that's just collecting dust, you can read about my attempts here, read the reader comments as well, I'm not the only would be victim.
Well my guy is back at it. I am trying to sell a Roubaix, full build that's been sitting in the shop since June of 2010. I know someone who said they were going to buy it, but they never did.
Anyway here is the latest... (Note: Clifton, AKA Clarance, AKA Jokam is in red ink, I am in blue ink.)
On Sun, 25 Mar 2012, sarah wrote:
** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info:
Good Morning,
Happy weekend to you...I am interested in your advert on craiglist and
would like you to contact me back on my email with
you as i am keen in buying it.
SGT Clifton Gemni
U.S. Army
Does anyone actually talk like that? Anyway that message reminded me of ole' Clarance Rose,
On 3/25/12, Michael Colewrote:
Well the bike is still avaialble but I am in Toronto Canada, that might be
a bit of a drive for you.
That said if you'd like to see it, drop me a note and I'll see what I can
Well surely if you are about to blow $3500 (the list price I posted) for this thing you would want to inspect it at least once?
Thanks for your prompt okay with it and i want to buying it right away at the rate of (US$3500.00).I am satisfied with the description of it in which it would be convenient for me to pay through PayPal.I am not available to check it up before purchasing but i have checked the necessary details of the advert...If you are not familiar with PayPal,i would suggest you visit and make a registration with them and contact me with your PayPal email address after completing the registration.I am presently making proper arrangement with my picker in order for him to schedule how to come for the pick up of the item after payment is made.Please get back to me with your PayPal email address so that i can proceed with the payment
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, we call them 'couriers' "pickers" are what gross people do with their noses... or is he talking about day labourers on fruit farms, sadly I think in the United States they are usually called illegal aliens. Also, I'm in Toronto, in Ontario, which is, last I checked, in Canada, which means I used Canadian, not US money. I would like to think that a seargent in the US Army would know that in other countries people don't use US funds.
Anyway I replied, I think I'd like to lead this guy on for a while, in the spirt of the Ebola Monkey Man!
Where are you located? Are you sure you don't want to see this thing first? Wouldn't it make more sense to inspect the bike before you buy it?
I'm open to suggestions. Does anyone have a fake Paypal account they can 'loan' me? (Yes I've already reported this piece of work to the RCMP and to Paypal, I don't think either of them will do anything though, apparently they are flooded with reports like mine.)
Craigslist users beware!
Back in October 2010 I tried to sell a frame I've got that's just collecting dust, you can read about my attempts here, read the reader comments as well, I'm not the only would be victim.
Well my guy is back at it. I am trying to sell a Roubaix, full build that's been sitting in the shop since June of 2010. I know someone who said they were going to buy it, but they never did.
Anyway here is the latest... (Note: Clifton, AKA Clarance, AKA Jokam is in red ink, I am in blue ink.)
On Sun, 25 Mar 2012, sarah wrote:
** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home
** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping
** More Info:
Good Morning,
Happy weekend to you...I am interested in your advert on craiglist and
would like you to contact me back on my email with
you as i am keen in buying it.
SGT Clifton Gemni
U.S. Army
Does anyone actually talk like that? Anyway that message reminded me of ole' Clarance Rose,
On 3/25/12, Michael Cole
Well the bike is still avaialble but I am in Toronto Canada, that might be
a bit of a drive for you.
That said if you'd like to see it, drop me a note and I'll see what I can
Well surely if you are about to blow $3500 (the list price I posted) for this thing you would want to inspect it at least once?
Thanks for your prompt okay with it and i want to buying it right away at the rate of (US$3500.00).I am satisfied with the description of it in which it would be convenient for me to pay through PayPal.I am not available to check it up before purchasing but i have checked the necessary details of the advert...If you are not familiar with PayPal,i would suggest you visit and make a registration with them and contact me with your PayPal email address after completing the registration.I am presently making proper arrangement with my picker in order for him to schedule how to come for the pick up of the item after payment is made.Please get back to me with your PayPal email address so that i can proceed with the payment
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, we call them 'couriers' "pickers" are what gross people do with their noses... or is he talking about day labourers on fruit farms, sadly I think in the United States they are usually called illegal aliens. Also, I'm in Toronto, in Ontario, which is, last I checked, in Canada, which means I used Canadian, not US money. I would like to think that a seargent in the US Army would know that in other countries people don't use US funds.
Anyway I replied, I think I'd like to lead this guy on for a while, in the spirt of the Ebola Monkey Man!
Where are you located? Are you sure you don't want to see this thing first? Wouldn't it make more sense to inspect the bike before you buy it?
I'm open to suggestions. Does anyone have a fake Paypal account they can 'loan' me? (Yes I've already reported this piece of work to the RCMP and to Paypal, I don't think either of them will do anything though, apparently they are flooded with reports like mine.)
Craigslist users beware!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
On A Recent Ride
I really want to get back to my novel, but I figured I should post my latest route, its loaded with hills. Only too many damn cars, although one of my co-workers who lives near some of the roads I took noticed there was an unusual number of cars out. So I think I'd like to try this route again and see if some of those pesky cars go away.
What else is there to report? Well Dawn keeps getting bigger, her pregnancy is pretty obvious now. Her doctor said that she should go on short term disability on account of the twins (the shared placenta thing puts the pregnancy in the complicated category). I have to admit I'm really looking forward to teaching the boys how to ride a bicycle, and play with toy trains, and lego, and blocks. We've been going on a huge space theme lately, getting all kinds of books on rockets and space travel, hey if my boys grew up to be anyone of the rocket science type engineers, materials, structural, mechanical, computer, chemical, aerospace engineering, maybe they could land me a seat in the VIP viewing gallery at The Cape down in Florida. In the meantime, does Estes still make model rockets, and where can we launch them?
So much stuff to play with in such a short childhood!
What else is there to report? Well Dawn keeps getting bigger, her pregnancy is pretty obvious now. Her doctor said that she should go on short term disability on account of the twins (the shared placenta thing puts the pregnancy in the complicated category). I have to admit I'm really looking forward to teaching the boys how to ride a bicycle, and play with toy trains, and lego, and blocks. We've been going on a huge space theme lately, getting all kinds of books on rockets and space travel, hey if my boys grew up to be anyone of the rocket science type engineers, materials, structural, mechanical, computer, chemical, aerospace engineering, maybe they could land me a seat in the VIP viewing gallery at The Cape down in Florida. In the meantime, does Estes still make model rockets, and where can we launch them?
So much stuff to play with in such a short childhood!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
On Recent Events
I know, I haven't written much lately, in my defence there isn't much new stuff to write about. The boys are clearly getting bigger and bigger, apparently they are now about the size of an ear of corn - bizzarely baby sizes are always compared with fruits or vegitables, a few months ago they were the size of a peach, then a grapefuit, at one point it was a radish I think. I wonder why they are never the size of a baseball? I guess most people wouldn't be able to relate to a 53 chain ring.
Of course for Dawn things are exceedingly difficult with two boys in the oven. The simple act of rolling over in bed has become complicated for her. On the radio today they were talking about how public transit riders often don't notice when a pregnant woman gets on and needs a seat. Of course for the morning trip into work I drive Dawn, not that getting a seat is difficult at 5am, but I still don't like the idea of Dawn riding the streetcar at that hour. Mind you in the afternoon, Dawn is usually home long before me, so I cannot do anything for her. Maybe I can finish my novel and make enough in royalties that she can become a stay at home mother?
In other news the weather has started to improve, I've been going for a few little bike rides, the Toronto drivers are incomptent (but I know that from driving, I don't need to be on a saddle to see how plain bad they are - and it's the really bad drivers who are the most aggressive.)
Oh and I was recently cleaning out some old emails and found of bunch of messages from 2002~2004. Many were from Lesley, once upon a time she loved me, but then those notes stopped, I guess the love ran out. Pretty upsetting stuff, but then I can think of my wonderful, lovable wife with her boys in the oven, I deleted the emails.
Back to the subject of riding, I guess I won't be getting much in for the next couple years, which would be a shame, but then I imagine children will keep me plenty busy for a few years anyway.
Of course for Dawn things are exceedingly difficult with two boys in the oven. The simple act of rolling over in bed has become complicated for her. On the radio today they were talking about how public transit riders often don't notice when a pregnant woman gets on and needs a seat. Of course for the morning trip into work I drive Dawn, not that getting a seat is difficult at 5am, but I still don't like the idea of Dawn riding the streetcar at that hour. Mind you in the afternoon, Dawn is usually home long before me, so I cannot do anything for her. Maybe I can finish my novel and make enough in royalties that she can become a stay at home mother?
In other news the weather has started to improve, I've been going for a few little bike rides, the Toronto drivers are incomptent (but I know that from driving, I don't need to be on a saddle to see how plain bad they are - and it's the really bad drivers who are the most aggressive.)
Oh and I was recently cleaning out some old emails and found of bunch of messages from 2002~2004. Many were from Lesley, once upon a time she loved me, but then those notes stopped, I guess the love ran out. Pretty upsetting stuff, but then I can think of my wonderful, lovable wife with her boys in the oven, I deleted the emails.
Back to the subject of riding, I guess I won't be getting much in for the next couple years, which would be a shame, but then I imagine children will keep me plenty busy for a few years anyway.
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