I know, I haven't written much lately, in my defence there isn't much new stuff to write about. The boys are clearly getting bigger and bigger, apparently they are now about the size of an ear of corn - bizzarely baby sizes are always compared with fruits or vegitables, a few months ago they were the size of a peach, then a grapefuit, at one point it was a radish I think. I wonder why they are never the size of a baseball? I guess most people wouldn't be able to relate to a 53 chain ring.
Of course for Dawn things are exceedingly difficult with two boys in the oven. The simple act of rolling over in bed has become complicated for her. On the radio today they were talking about how public transit riders often don't notice when a pregnant woman gets on and needs a seat. Of course for the morning trip into work I drive Dawn, not that getting a seat is difficult at 5am, but I still don't like the idea of Dawn riding the streetcar at that hour. Mind you in the afternoon, Dawn is usually home long before me, so I cannot do anything for her. Maybe I can finish my novel and make enough in royalties that she can become a stay at home mother?
In other news the weather has started to improve, I've been going for a few little bike rides, the Toronto drivers are incomptent (but I know that from driving, I don't need to be on a saddle to see how plain bad they are - and it's the really bad drivers who are the most aggressive.)
Oh and I was recently cleaning out some old emails and found of bunch of messages from 2002~2004. Many were from Lesley, once upon a time she loved me, but then those notes stopped, I guess the love ran out. Pretty upsetting stuff, but then I can think of my wonderful, lovable wife with her boys in the oven, I deleted the emails.
Back to the subject of riding, I guess I won't be getting much in for the next couple years, which would be a shame, but then I imagine children will keep me plenty busy for a few years anyway.
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