Yes I know, I have not written a thing since September. Couple reasons, one we moved (moving is a big pain for anyone who has managed to escape that - if you have please call and explain how!) Two the house we moved to is a massive fixer-upper. If having infant twin children didn't keep us busy enough, fixing this house has done a splendid job!
Needless to say, I haven't been for a bike ride in ages.
But I do have something to report on that's driving me crazy. Earlier today I noticed an advert for Quebec Tourism here in the Toronto area. So I have a public announcement to make to all Quebecois. You vote a Federalist party into office in Quebec city, be it the Liberals or someone else, and I'll consider spending my tourist dollars in Quebec. Keep ole M. Marois in office and lets just say as a Canadian I consider it a slap in the face, and asking me to visit and spend money in your province, is pouring salt on it.
Guys, think about it, this talk of seperating from Canada is, besides really tiring, rather insulting. What you don't like our country? (Actually I suspect there are litterally billions of people in less developed nations who would find that sort of talk down right crazy.) Anyway you don't like this country we've built? Then work with us to change it, it's a free country you know, but to say, oh Canada, it's so bad we want out... well that's really mean and I'm offended.
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