Last night Kevin (see Finding the Dream at right) and I had dinner. Today we were supposed to make slide boards with Eric (see on the right). But Kevin could not wake up early enough for skate practice and we were supposed to meet Eric (who lives not far from where we practice). I had to cancel our plans with Eric, it turns out I should have canceled my practice at Scooters too.
I did not do so well at Scooters. Making tight turns with people not ten centimetres away scared the piss out of me. It should not have, but I have a good excuse, I was tired. I am also used to trail skating in nice wide trails with lots of room to screw up and still recover before hitting the grass. Still I believe I have to get over this fear of collisions if I am going to make any real progress. After practice we did dry land training and again I did not have my heart in it, I needed more sleep.
Coach Double-A (see by Aaron Richard Arndt on the right) told me something interesting, using a slide board will promote use of inside edges (which is what happens when you pronate - bad, pronation is when the blades or wheels splay away from the skater's centre of gravity.) It was Double-A's opinion, at least my impression of his opinion that at this stage I should avoid slide boards. Oh well, its probably for the best since I've already blown over $100 on a new TISC skin suit.
In other news, in honour of my recent viewing of the movie Across the Universe I started the rather monstrous job of ripping all my Beatles Albums into MP3 at 192 kbps samples. (See my November 3 blog post On The Beatles and the MGT.) Apparently Kilu the cat doesn't much care for the Revolver Album he's been crying right from Taxman through to Tomorrow Never Knows, this is shocking stuff for me, because and here I agree with Wikipedia's authors, "Revolver is often cited as one of the greatest albums in rock music history." What can I say? My cat's nuts! (Mind you he seems to be okay with Sgt. Pepper's.)
In other unrelated news, today, after dry land skate training I went to the new house. The dry walling is completed. The place is going to be specular, but for the fact that those damned evil Porter Airline flights (see my other posting from November 3, The Problem with the Globe and Mail) are still only a few hundred feet up by the time they reach my home. I cannot believe how far I am going to move and I still have to contend with BS from that hoax of an airline.
I was going to include a photo of the new place but most of the pictures were taken with my old 35mm camera and I cannot be bothered to setup my scanner. But all the TISCers who come out for the Halloween skate next year can stop by and see it then, Peter bring your camera please.
Its funny here I am talking about my new home and what am I listening to?
I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in,
Stops my mind from wandering, where it will go.
I'm filling a crack that ran through the door...
Course it turns out, according to some, that that song is actually a reference to pot, or heroin consumption. To me that song is all about a home owners worst nightmares, well in my case my home is steel framing so I don't have to worry about any songs that involve termites.
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1 comment:
About skating in Scooter's...I know that it feels awfully scary right now but you will eventually get accustomed to the close proximity in the pack. I felt the same way this time last year. In fact, I came to the weekday practices just to watch on the side. As long as you keep practicing, you will develop the all-important skills to skate in a pack (knee pads always help).
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