So I have succumb to the pear pressure and started a blog. This is actually a second attempt, round one was just too damned time consuming, (well you try writing HTML in vi, and to think someone actually told me I should set up an RSS feed! Damnit I don't have time to learn Java at my age.)
Ironically I did know Java at one time, that particular experience in forced misery was called CS 240 aka Data Structures and Data Management. Ugh... I despise Java with an avid passion that might only be matched by my love of skating. Before I turn to skating the reason I bring all this up is here I am at work and what am I doing? Trying to port a monster Java app from a Windows 2000 server to Windows 2003. I hate Java.
Anyway this morning I was reading on Speedskateworld (the Blog of Peter Doucet) and an entry from October 30 caught my eye: "Looking At IT: I like Jacky Schu's most recent entry; Sunday Training (IT Version). It's a pretty neat way of looking at a training session." Jacky had converted his training into the predicate logic of computer programming. Specifically using preconditions, input and output, Jacky had defined an exercise routine. In my own programming days I prefered to use Preconditions (which specified the format of the input) Purpose (which specified what the function was for) and Postconditions (which specified the format of the output). But what caught my fancy wasn't that Jacky had done what is in programming circles a pretty old joke, rather I was taken by Peter's response, "pretty neat". One day I'll have to dig up the old mathNEWS predicate description of a close encounter of the sexual kind.
Watch this space for pictures, when I get some time to post them.
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1 comment:
See you on Sunday~~~
Kevin Noh.
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