You can hardly see me here, third from the far left, what you cannot see is I am ready to collapse on my handle bars any second. These Tuesday night rides are INSANE, which is probably why I love doing them.
My random thoughts on life, riding, politics or whatever else occurs to me.
Allow me to elucidate. On the scenery I love riding through the country side, when you can take a deep breath in and not smell diesel exhaust or a sewage treatment plant, instead it is the air cleaned by the trees, free of carbon monoxide and all the other byproducts of human activity (many of which I do not even want to think about.) Besides which, the forests and the farms offer a beautiful change from the office towers of this concrete jungle.
On the camaraderie, we are talking about the Beaches Cycle Club, I suspect if you looked camaraderie in the dictionary there would have to be the BCC referenced in there somewhere.
As for physical fitness, well I have not lost much weight since I started riding, maybe 5 pounds, but I have lost three inches from my waste line and my pants are tighter in the legs and that is not from fat either. According to mapmyride.com, the last time I went to Lake Simcoe I burned nearly 6000 calories in under 6 hours. My training programme may not win me any yellow jerseys, but I think my cardio health is probably pretty good now, although I am going to get a regular checkup soon from a GP, I'll see what the numbers are then.
I could race, but I would loose, I am not a gifted athlete and here is my dirty little secret. I don't care! I don't want to win... oh wait I said that already. Sure it would be nice if I could keep up with guys like Emile, Thi and Lauri for an entire ride, but here is another dirty little secret, I almost can right now. With a little effort, time and training (that I am already doing) I am confident that I will not be the guy so near the back of the pack on Tuesday nights for much longer and even if I am stuck at the end of the pack, that is alright with me, I would rather enjoy myself and love the sport than beat myself up on rollers and end up doing with my bike what I am now doing with my skates. (That would be a colossal waste.)
Dan and I spent much of Friday night building my carbon fibre beauty. The result, before we were even done was so gorgeous that Dan declared that my bike looked sick. Which to be honest is about the first time I have had something good enough that someone who is an expert in the field, gave such a stamp of approval. (No, not calling her sick, but saying it with admiration.)
I still need a name, Dan suggested Helga, I am vetoing that suggestion. Other ideas are welcome.
In other news, I went for a ride on Saturday with the Beaches Cycle Club, there are no pictures of me. It was the long distance steady state ride, 170km. As I had to go to the store on Saturday for some final tweaks of the new bike I turned around early, which was a good thing. I was riding Amy (the old Roubaix) when the rear tube blew out just West of Dixie. The good news, I did the entire change myself, QB did hold up my saddle for me and Dan lent his moral support (mostly of the "move faster" variety), which was helpful, but it is always a relief to know, in a crunch I can change a tube on the side of the road with nothing but the parts I carry around. (So much for walking to the nearest gas station, eh!)
Sunday I rode my new bike for the first time. She was not exactly a dream to ride, everything felt sluggish, I thought maybe I needed some rest, or perhaps I was just short of red blood from the last donation. After about 65km of struggling, well on the way home actually, I realised my problem. My brakes were tightened down so much that they were rubbing even when not engaged, I disengaged the calipers and I went from struggling to keep up with the pack to being a lead rider the rest of the way.
That is good exercise actually, donate blood then tighten your brakes or skate axles, now go as fast as you can!
In other news Lesley and I went to Niagara-on-the-Lake, which I have decided is such a pretty place that I would like to organize some sort of ride from the Beach to NotL for the Holiday (Civic Day) coming up on Monday. It is only 135km one way from my home to NotL, whats 270km among friends?
Finally mapmyride.com is starting to really piss me off, I cannot load my GPS data onto their site anymore, it keeps saying there are no routes or waypoints on my Garmin which is not at all correct and their site is agonizingly slow. However it turns out I can display what I did on Sunday, I loaded it directly into Google Maps, just click here to see. Or you can see the group photo below, notice how my back was turned... oops!
And from the dystopic world we do live in a stock photo from somewhere in the United States.
Little wonder there is an obesity epidemic in the United States.
So here is the thing about the survey that just ended. Suppose you are a conservative Republican who actually thinks the Bush administration is doing a good job. Chances are you are holding your nose and gritting your teeth on the though of John McCain, you are also a rare commodity in this day and age who probably doesn't much care for my politics. Now suppose you are a progressive of pretty much any stripe, you most like think that the current President (and Vice President) is responsible for any number of crimes and ought to be impeached. Well if you do a rapid one two punch, impeach both Bush and Chenney then the next president of the United States by the laws of presidential secession is the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, a democrat from the great state of California (mostly great because Californians vote Democrat in federal matters, has San Francisco and Carmel by the Sea.)
There's a reason I voted for Pelosi, not Obama, sure I'd love to be able to say, President Barrack Hussein Obama, first president elected since Bill Clinton in 1996, but I sure wouldn't mind saying George Walker Bush, first president impeached since Andrew Johnson (also a Republican, just like Richard Nixon). Oh well, in 181 days someone else will have their hands on the red button and we can all breath a sigh of relief. (Just imagine, if Bush was president in October of '62, now that is scary.)
I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradictions to the sentiments of others, and all positive assertion of my own. I even forbade myself the use of every word or expression in the language that imported a fixed opinion, such as "certainly", "undoubtedly", etc. I adopted instead of them "I conceive", "I apprehend", or "I imagine" a thing to be so or so; or "so it appears to me at present".
When another asserted something that I thought an error, I denied myself the pleasure of contradicting him abruptly, and of showing him immediately some absurdity in his proposition. In answering I began by observing that in certain cases or circumstances his opinion would be right, but in the present case there appeared or semed to me some difference, etc.
I soon found the advantage of this change in my manner; the conversations I engaged in went on more pleasantly. The modest way in which I proposed my opinions procured them a readier reception and less contradiction. I had less mortification when I was found to be in the wrong, and I more easily prevailed with others to give up their mistakes and join with me when I happened to be in the right.
-- Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
I was flipping through the blogs of some skater friends of mine and then I glanced over the Beaches Cycle Club blog. (I wonder if anyone at the BCC has a personal Blog? Something tells me most of those guys spend their free time on the saddle and not writing… hmmm, maybe I should too!)
But it hit me like a load of bricks, I have absolutely zero interest in skating anymore, I have reached the point where I do not even care to read the blogs anymore. I don’t get it. Hardly a year ago I was out in Cambridge with Benji getting my foot molded for my custom Vaypors now here I am, disinterested in skating. So disinterested in fact that on Wednesday, when I pulled my skates out, those same custom Vaypors, there was a layer of dust on them.
I read the plans of the club, the Saturday Steady State ride to Hamilton and the Sunday “Simcoe Scramble” and you know what? Somehow I am going riding on Sunday, probably not with the BCC this weekend, the trip to Rochester I am taking tonight will leave me too tired to wake up early on Sunday morning. But I am going to go for a ride on Sunday. I am thinking, screw this blood donation crap, next weekend I don’t care if I keel over and pass out, I have to get back out there with them, Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe and back, here I come! (That is about 180km, or roughly one full marathon longer than the longest inline ultra-marathon in North America, the A2A.)
In unrelated news there was some ambiguity regarding my recent references to the Doughnut ride. I wrote: Now I have heard that the origin of the name is from the fact that the ride started at a doughnut shop at Laird and Eglington which is no longer there. I meant, the doughnut shop is no longer at Laird and Eglinton, if anyone wants to go on the hammer and drop feast from hell, by all means, show up at Laird and Eglinton, (and yes I cannot spell if my life depended on it.)
I also wrote: my friend’s comment was, how can it be uphill all the time if it’s a ring? Actually that was a misunderstanding on my part, my friend meant, the ride has lots of rollers so it is continuously up and down. I still maintain that the laws of physics as applied to cycling are not the same as the regular laws of physics, in particular, a ring can go uphill all the time. It’s true, just go on a long enough ride and you will discover I am right!
Anyway I am going to continue collecting laws of physics for cyclists, I think they are great, if anyone has any they would like to contribute, by all means, just make a post. At some point I will probably create a static web page of laws of physics, but not now. Right now I have to dream...
...of riding!
I got a Carbon Frame… I HAVE A CARBON FIBRE FRAME!! Yipee!!! Now I just have to attach my Ultegra group, my wheels, my saddle… oh yeah, and the water bottle cages and I am all set. Except, when I put my new saddle on my current bike I did a bad job that when Dan saw it he got good and pissed, so this time I am going to make sure someone who really knows what they are doing assembles my bike. Sadly this means I won’t have my new bike until July 29, Dan is too busy until then, but at least I will be confident in the new bike’s assembly.
In case any of you are wondering, Lesley made it very clear to me, I must sell the ‘old’ bike. So if anyone out there wants a 2006 Roubaix (56cm), that I have had since April, she even comes with 105 pedals, just give me a holler. (The full history of the bike is pretty well documented right here on my blog.) I will even throw in a new chain, if the buyer promises to take good care of her, she’s a good bike, she just needs a new chain soon. (I took the wear gage to the chain a couple weeks ago, it was 0.5%, then on Sunday it was 0.75%, at this rate, two weeks from now the chain will be garbage and if I keep it any longer than 1% the cassette and the chain ring will be garbage too.)
Of course I need a new name for the new bike, I am thinking Lucy, feminized version of Lucifer since she’s bound to be a speed demon, but I’m not sure I like that name. (Sorry but I am really sick of calling my bike, The Roubaix, or worse, this would be “The Carbon Roubaix with the Ultegra Group” Geez, I’d be a walking advertisement every time I had to refer to one bike as opposed to the other.)
Other than that, I skated yesterday, for the first time since late May! I guess if I am going to have a picture of my skates here and call my blog Skater Dreams I really ought to skate at least once in a blue moon. Yesterday was a ‘work from home’ day for me, but I had planned to give blood, so I skated to the clinic near the office. Let me start by saying that at lunch time people are even more out to lunch than during rush hour. One guy in an Acura MDX (a huge Stupid Ugly Vehicle) nearly killed me when he made a left turn after not bothering to look. Then some pedestrians froze up when they saw me barreling towards them. Remarkably when I got to the clinic my blood pressure was only 126/66 mmHg, with a 70 bpm heart rate. One would think that all the excitement I had on the way to the clinic my rates would be an awful lot higher, I think all this biking is responsible for my better cardio health.
For anyone who cares to keep track of these things, I am at 61 donations, according to Canadian blood services, one donation can save three lives, so to 102, 103 and 104, sorry about that chocolate cake, but it was really really yummy going down. Of course thanks too my loss of approximately 10% of my blood volume I am going to have to take it easy for a few weeks, I probably won’t be doing anything with the Beaches Club for the whole of the week to come and then for the first few weeks after just the easy Saturday morning rides.
Meanwhile I am looking out the window here at my desk on the 27’th floor of a downtown office tower, and it is such a nice day. What a shame.
See me, I'm on the left, I took my helmet... because well, I always take off any head covering during a picture... if I can. At this point most of the guys have zero km on their computers, I am at 33.1 I think... or was it 31.3? Anyway I can take some pride in knowing that I while I wasn't doing great by the end of the ride, I was still doing pretty well all things considered.
The coffee break at Tim Horton's just south of Lake Simcoe. Okay a few stories, first this picture was after I started bitching that there are no photos of me on these rides, well Dan set that right. Shortly after the picture was taken we left the Tim's and I was feeling kind of gross, I had just downed a bottle of iced "tea", read: water, corn syrup, artificial flavours, potassium hexametaphosphate, nitrogen tetroxide, unsymetrical dymethyl hydrizine, natural flavours, etc. (Yes two of those ingredients are rocket fuels, I don't remember what was really in the tea but it was about that bad!) Anyway as we are leaving I say, mostly to myself, but too loudly, time to burn some fat, as I pass a line of obese people lined up at that same Tim Horton's doughnut shop. Well, after I stopped laughing it occurred to me, what I should have said was, time to go poison the air and enrich Osama Bin Laden, but I have to wonder if they'd get the reference. I'm a elitist condescending son-of-a-bitch aren't I... but then again, if those people stopped driving to the Tim's and rode a bike there instead, they would feel better and loose a little weight, it was Sunday morning after all.
Today I was riding home from work and I saw a tricked out Ford Mustang and I thought to myself, we have not only made ourselves oil dependant, we have made ourselves in love with oil. Our entire culture is based on oil worship. I am going to say something horribly wrong and offensive, but it is worth considering, maybe to some small extant Bin Laden was right, not killing 3000 people I mean, but in objecting to our way of life. We rape small defenceless countries so that we can drive around in tricked out Ford Mustangs, is that really the society we want to be?
One final thing, today I climbed Brimely from the bottom of The Bluffs to Kingston Road, I can honestly say it's about as hard as Rattle Snake, at least if you don't down shift like crazy, which I did not do. I did The Bluffs all in the same gear as I ride the flats, next time I take my cassette off I'll count the teeth, if I remember.
Finally I have added my GPS data to Mapmyride.com for the Rattle Snake climb, you can view it here.
My friend also tried to describe the infamous Doughnut ride to me. Now I have heard that the origin of the name is from the fact that the ride started at a doughnut shop at Laird and Eglington which is no longer there. I have also been told that it is called a Doughnut because the ride forms a huge ring around the city. Whatever the case, my friend’s comment was, how can it be uphill all the time if it’s a ring? Well that question got me thinking about a painting by MC Escher called Waterfall. I would repost an image of Waterfall here, but the copyright looks complicated, so I’ll just link to it.
Anyway thoughts of waterfall reminded me of a joke I had come up with while riding. I have come to almost dread going downhill, because going downhill means I am going to end up going back uphill later on! Hence a revision to Sir Isaac Newton’s famous adage whatever goes up must come down, whatever goes down must come right on back up!
Or here’s another one, Albert Einstein used to wonder, if he could fly along side a beam of light as it traveled through space, what would it look like? Well it turns out you cannot travel faster than, or at the speed of, light. Well similarly, if you get dropped from the pack you cannot catch back up, the faster you pedal the faster the pack will move. And if you slow down, the pack simply gets further away. (This rule also applies in inline skating.)
In honour of Max Plank I propose a new unit of measure for cyclists, the shortest possible distance for a bike is an arc equal to a length of one section of chain on the biggest cassette gear after multiplying by the length of the spoke from the outer cassette gear to the wheel rim divided by 2 times pi, we can call it a Plank Bike Distance. A PBD is the shortest theoretical distance a bike can be pedaled.
How about the Uncertainty Principal as applied to bikes? Well we can know where the pack is supposed to go, or we can be leading the pack, but we cannot know where we are supposed to go if we are leading the pack, see my comment on turning south onto Tremaine Road above (step 7 in the turn by turn directions).
Shades of Schrodinger’s cat? If we put a cyclist on a busy city street with door prizes and idiotic drivers armed with cell phones (throw in a few nails and pot holes for good measure and maybe some train tracks), will the cyclist still be alive after an hour?
As we have a Plank Distance how about a Plank Unit of Energy - maybe as much food energy as there is in one pack of hammer gel? Or a Plank time duration - the time between first and second place in a cirterium? I welcome suggestions for those ones.
There are some pictures from that ride, courtesy of Dan Yang.
This is most of the Beaches Cycle Club, I'm in there, on the right hand side, near the back, good luck finding me.
Can you see me in the picture below? It's a side shot, I'm just to the left of the guy on the far right. (Maybe I should not wear my BCC jersey on these photo shoots... rides, right rides!) I believe this image is from just before Rattlesnake hill.
See me standing off in the back? This is at the bakery after the ride was pretty much over.
For once I had a really good idea. Why buy two 1/2L bottles of water for $2.00 when you can buy 1 2.5L bottle for the same price? Incidentally, those water + gel bottles are worse than useless and they are messy too. I ended up pouring about a litre of water on my bike trying to clean all the gel off the frame. For that matter, check out the ingredients on the gel, its really hardly worth it to consume that crap.
Saturday I went for a very short ride, Lakeshore to Steels and Lesley then home via Don Mills. There is only one picture, and I am not even smiling. Oh well.
Okay a little story that happens to be true from right in the heart of HogToday I am not going to write about skating, or riding or anything of the sort. (Except I guess this whole post sort of is about riding... but it is not really.) Some of you may find what I am about to write boring and I don’t give a damn. Sometimes it is worth changing topics.
I commute to my professional office job in downtown, it's 7km, I use my bike. I could drive, I have a fancy over priced 1200kg slab of steel in the garage that costs a fortune every time it goes to the mechanic or gas station, but I choose to bike. Besides being a way to relieve stress, cheaper to use and park, better for me, better for the environment, better for road congestion, better for the over burdened city streets, its a more fun way to get to and from work each day.
Every day I take the Eastern Lake Shore trail past Don Roadway, there is a traffic light, right beside the light is a diagram, it shows a red light and under the light is a "no right turn" symbol. You don't need to speak English or French to understand this diagram, they are all over the city, they mean (for those of you who really do need this explained) No right on red. Today, as I approached that intersection two cars made a right on red. The problem is not cyclists, the problem is not car drivers
who do not pay attention. The problem is that car drivers do not pay attention
and do not even realise they are not paying attention. Being cocooned in one or
two tons of steel and using a slight downward pressure on the right foot to move
forward is too mind numbing.
If it were up to me, cars would be band from all roads. The lazy incompetence of most drivers boggles my mind and when you consider that I am asking for nothing more than what I pay for with the insane tax burden that I have to pick up, (roughly 4 times the national average) to say that I have less right to the road... that's insulting!
Our great inventiveness has brought us from the dark ages and the bubonic plague
to our hyper connected dot-com, super frantic, 24x7x365 World where the
difference between day and night is a program called clock running on our
So here we stand on the edge of a new millennium and the question
is, what will be the big deal? My guess: Education. For about a thousand years
we have had Universities, and as they slowly become the centre of learning, not
only for philosophical and theoretical matters but also applied and practical
knowledge we must ask ourselves, to what end?
I find the optimism of my writing to be well frankly less optimistic than I remember. But I must admit, in the pre 9/11 World of December 2000 things seemed a great deal less complicated. Everything seems so very much more ugly now, the Prime Minister of Canada sucks (what else is new?), the Prime Minister of England is appalling (makes me pine for Tony Blair), the President of the United States is beyond treasonous (a sarcastic comment about the Bush II administration seems painfully small given the magnitude of their crimes). The democracies of the World cannot seem to figure out what it means to be a democracy. A frightfully large number of American’s in the Blogosphere seem so enamored with their own country that they have yet to figure out that there are major systemic flaws in the system that could spell the demise of the so called ‘shining city on a hill’.
Cheap oil has run out and we have no substitute, this end of cheap oil has brought about a new period of expensive food and surely expensive commodities. Meanwhile the atmospheric carbon dioxide level continues to rise while the only thing most politicians can do, besides agree that there is a problem, is to use green house gases as yet another reason to attack the opposition.
We, the human race, are running head long into a brick wall and the best part is, we see it coming, yet instead of slowing down or changing directions the only thing we seem able to do is run faster! We know that we are killing our planet, nuclear waste, toxins, green house gases, yet we just cannot seem to stop. What really depresses me, people see the ability to drive a behemoth SUV as a right, a freedom even (that freedom is actually a direct quotation from a syndicated columnist I could not get permission to quote at length from). I want to know, when did having a monster tank go from being ludicrous to a freedom? How is it that Tom Jefferson and all those guys made do without that freedom yet still managed to craft the declaration of independence, the US Constitution?
We are not a nation addicted to oil, we are a race addicted to our automobiles and the addiction is killing us.
Alright, I didn't exactly set any speed records but actually I need to take a few days off because frankly I think there are parts of my knees and upper back that are pretty much in open rebellion against the rest of the body.
Anyway the plan, last night was to ride with the Beaches Cycle Club, I got up in time, got dressed got out the door and made it about halfway up the hill on Kingston road when my back inner-tube failed. I would like to think I am reasonably good at changing a tube, but I'm not that good. By the time I made it to where the club was meeting they had already left, hence Hamilton Beach.
When I was nearly home I saw a cyclist with his back wheel off and a tube in his hand. I offered help, it turned out he did not have a spare tube and the hole in his tube was unpatchable. Recalling the guy in Oakville who gave me his spare CO2 cartridge, I gave the guy close to home my second spare and my CO2 cartridge - he was going to hand pump 120psi. As soon as we started inflating his tire, the tube burst, there was a huge gouge in his tire. Ultimately the guy called his wife and she had to drive him down a new tire and tube, I on the other hand have no spares of tubes or air, so I really cannot go for a long ride again until tomorrow at the earliest when the bike stores reopen.