Here is the route we took:
There are some pictures from that ride, courtesy of Dan Yang.
This is most of the Beaches Cycle Club, I'm in there, on the right hand side, near the back, good luck finding me.
Can you see me in the picture below? It's a side shot, I'm just to the left of the guy on the far right. (Maybe I should not wear my BCC jersey on these photo shoots... rides, right rides!) I believe this image is from just before Rattlesnake hill.
See me standing off in the back? This is at the bakery after the ride was pretty much over.
For once I had a really good idea. Why buy two 1/2L bottles of water for $2.00 when you can buy 1 2.5L bottle for the same price? Incidentally, those water + gel bottles are worse than useless and they are messy too. I ended up pouring about a litre of water on my bike trying to clean all the gel off the frame. For that matter, check out the ingredients on the gel, its really hardly worth it to consume that crap.
Saturday I went for a very short ride, Lakeshore to Steels and Lesley then home via Don Mills. There is only one picture, and I am not even smiling. Oh well.
I should have more to report on later but I have too much work right now. If anyone from the BCC, or anyone else really, want's the map I have included above, you can view it right here, with variable zoom and centering.
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