The guys seem to have two speeds, fast and FASTER!! I knew what was coming this time so I was prepared, the other guys did a bunch of laps out by Highway 400 North of Highway 401 on Bartor Road, it was interval training. I did no such thing, instead I did some very modest riding just to keep warm and recover. That I did not do intervals does not upset me so much, because I was able to keep up with the pack pretty much the whole way home. It still amazes me how fast some of the guys are, I know I can out accelerate and keep speed with any car on Queen Street, but some of the guys can make the same claim with respect to cars on Lakeshore Blvd. Now that is an impressive claim. Anyway here is the photographic evidence, mostly courtesy of Dan Yang.
Endurox, what a wonderful thing, eh!

The two guys in the foreground (and sorry if I misspell this) are Emile and Tai. Emile has the unique ability to do a 100km on 250mL of water, an espresso and a doughnut, I think he has two water bottles and packs all that food for show. Mind you, Emile does something right, keeping up with his draft in a race pretty much ensures a second place finish for you. As for Tai, I suspect that his problem is he does not know how to ride slowly, as soon as he mounts his Carbon Felt if he's not doing 45km/h he falls over. (But that's just a theory, if anyone has seen Tai go less than 45 I am sure there are people track these things who would want to know about it.)

Ah the end of the ride, and no more of that snot tasting Hammer Gel to swallow.

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