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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On Office Perspectives

September 19 our branch office in Montreal will be shutdown, the building is doing electrical work. Normally the building would start at 2200 or later, possibly even the next morning, this time the building wants everyone out and all systems shutdown by 1900. Of course our users don’t want the day to end before 1600 and then we have to perform a backup – after all when you shut a system down how confident are you really that the system will come back up after? Normally backups take about 13 hours, a full shutdown, its an additional two hours or so. So we are looking at compressing 15 hours of work into a three hour window.

When I was an undergrad I met a U of T student in a purely social setting, when I told her I was in CS she asked if I was a developer, when I told her I was in IT she started making fun of me. Apparently IT guys simply reboot things when something stops working. I wish!

In other office news, I was about to go home yesterday. I was in full uniform, bike shorts (bib) with an old S-works Jersey. One of my co-workers who was waiting for the elevator said I looked like I belonged at the Olympics, (as if!). Then the co-op told me when she watched the Olympics she thought she saw me, apparently all the cyclists wore the same clothing I did. (For what it’s worth, my sun glasses, while Oakleys are in fact prescription, that I have had since 2003. As for the shorts, they were on sale at the bike show, but hey, when you’ve got it baby flaunt it!)

Tonight is another Tuesday night insanity ride. It’s a new route, looks exciting, actually lets be honest here, the new route looks like Michael’s gonna be dropped and lost! Alright seriously, we are going along Gerrard to Sumach then to Carlton all the way to St. George? I hope Dan does not mind this, but there is an ugly jog in Carlton at Parliament, having lived on Amelia Street (just a few doors from former mayor Barbra Hall as a matter of fact), just a couple blocks away, I think I may have a better idea, take Gerrard to Sherbourne, then take Sherbourne to Carlton. Or if we want a more X rated ride, take Gerrard to Church then Church to Carlton. I can pretty much promise there will be at least a few prostitutes out by the time we pass through.

Prostitution… there must be something we as a society can do to ensure that young women do not feel they have to resort to such a horrible thing to get by. I have no idea what, but surely among the teaming masses there must be a good idea out there?

Anyway check this space tomorrow (I am taking the day off work) I will have a full synopsis of the insanity ride. As well I will be giving Erin a full cleaning. Here is my secret, my chain has a master link, I open the chain up and use varsol, the chain shines like it is brand new after a quick varsol dunking. Oh and I got a new rim finally, Erin rides true again, it is an awesome feeling, like the first time I drove our car, when it was new, only its like a million times better. There are no dead Iraqis in my gas tank!

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