First of all, Happy American Thanksgiving! As a Canadian Thanksgiving is not really a big deal, a Monday off work, a big meal, that's about it. Of course for Americans Thanksgiving is a huge affair. Many people take Wednesday off to travel to be with family, then Friday is infamous "black Friday" when everyone buys their Christmas gifts, retailers favourite day of the year, although given the state of the economy Black Friday might be black for other reasons, or perhaps this year it should be called Red Friday?
Its rather annoying when Americans get the day off and we don't, so many vendors I depend on that are not returning my calls today, then I remembered when I woke a guy up in San Jose, hey it was 0900 Pacific Time, on a working day. His first words to me were, "happy Thanksgiving". Ooops!
Now I have to ask, how come no one else is voting in my latest survey? Surely we all have a favourite type of bike, heck even my arch nemesis George, rides a bike... no not the guy from TISC (I spelled the name correctly) I meant the unelected tongue tied President of the United States, he has a mountain bike he rides all over the ranch in Crawford.
I still wouldn't want to drink beer with the guy.
Now President Elect Obama, if he could come by... although I think I'd rather play chess with him or something as cerebral, although I strongly suspect he'd whip me in under 10 moves or something equally insane. Here is a thought, imagine trying to play poker against the guy who the Republican could not unsettle.
Anyway today on the ride to work, drivers were bad, of course, hardly need to say that. They were their usual oblivious ignorant selves. But what I wanted to say is what a headwind! Holy smokes the whole ride in was a hammer feast just to maintain what I am sure was not more than 26 or 27km/h. The only time, when I was not in the shelter of buildings, when the wind was bearable was when I got to draft off a Taxi. At least, assuming the wind has not changed directions, I should fly home tonight.
I am thinking I'd like to write a SF (Science Fiction) novel. I have some ideas for what I'd like to write about, I am just not sure if I have the self discipline to actually write the whole thing beginning to end, nor do I believe the characters I have dreamed up are not totally cliched, well a few are not cliched, they just aren't believable. And really who would read a novel about a dystopic future police investigation of a murder? Like that one hasn't been played out a bajillion times before.
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