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Monday, November 10, 2008

On the Sunday ride and a silly ad

I still have more to post about the trip to the South West but I have to buy groceries. (Tomorrow is an Escape the Don ride and I have nothing to eat after.) Anyway Sunday did a nice little 100km ride. There was a guy in the group with a fancy Italian bike, (now I do not want to get too specific for a whole bunch of reasons) but for all the money he blew on the wheels, it don't matter if the engine ain't no good! (Yeah he was that pathetic, but hopefully he'll come to more rides and get better.) There is an important moral here, if you have a really impressive bike... maybe I better trade Erin in for a tricycle. Actually what blew me away was when the guy said he did the donut ride well if this guy did the donut I am gonna do the RAAM.

Oh and check out the advert, if it's still there, 'free Obama videos (at some website)'. Come on guys you honestly think my readers live in a cave or something? You never heard of, for heavens sakes I don't exactly think the Obama people want his speeches to go unnoticed by anyone who meets the following criterion:
  1. are you a human being?
  2. do you have a pulse? - or -
  3. are you on life support?

On further thought I suspect if you are a sentient from the planet Zircon 5 the Obama people still want you to learn about the President Elect, so item one is sort of a nice to have, not really required.

Anyway here is what I did on Sunday morning.

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