I hate winter.
No let me be more blunt, in hell they used to say you would get to shovel coal, in Canada, we shovel snow. At least it is warm in hell!
Yeah, I threw my back out shoveling what could charitably be called wet slush last night. Of course I was smart to do it then, had I waited until this morning the walk would have been a sheet of ice, but my back is killing me.
Of course the pain in the back is small potatoes next to a much big problem, I still have only two options for getting to work, well only one option really, take public transit or walk. Obviously I walk.
I have only way way to keep going through this evil white cess that falls from the sky, think of green trees and open roads, I like Warden Ave from about Major MacKenzie north to Vivian (actually I have never used Warden North of Vivian, but I should try it out some time). Elgin Mills, East of Leslie is a nice road. One of my personal favourites though has to be South bound on 9'th line south from Aurora Road. Every time I do 9'th I've had a monster tail wind and it's a slight downgrade, makes for a steady big ring hammerfeast almost all the way to Main Street (Stouffville Rd.). I say "almost all the way", because first you have to circle Musselman lake, which is itself a worth the ride.
I miss the warm weather. On the other hand, assuming we get decent weather starting in April, I have only 112 days of this crappy weather left... One hundred twelve, ouch.
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