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Sunday, February 21, 2010

On Riding on a Warm Winter Day

I went for a ride on Saturday (February 20). I think the fact that a person can ride in above freezing weather in February speaks volumes about global climate change. Of course Bill O says global climate change is a hoax on account of a massive snow fall in along the Atlantic coast, hmmmm, well Bill O is not known to be wrong, maybe.

Anyway the route has only subtle changes from last week's ride so I won't bother republishing it. I will say I sent a letter to the editors of Toronto's four major daily newspapers, The Globe, The National Post, The Star and The Sun, aka The Old Grandmother, The Daily Tuby, Hmmm does the Star have a nick name?, and The Comic Book. Here is my letter:

Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010
Subject: A thought on the Olympics

I realize it is very exciting to watch Canadians win medals but besides the mortification I suffered when I learned that we were not allowing non Canadian teams to train at our facilities (a fact that is going to haunt us for the next several games). I think we, Canadians, should stop medal counting because frankly the way we treat athletics in this country leads me to believe any strong athlete is a lucky happenstance and not a result of environmental conditions.

Consider, as a former very amateur speed skater I took up the performance enhancing technique of cycling to cross train, a habit I did not kick when I gave up on speed skating. Now I would like the reader of this little note to consider the irony of my situation. I nearly got killed, the same day we celebrated our fourth Olympic Gold Medal by a reckless driver on a Saturday afternoon while riding in a bike lane beside a public school. The school had a large sign that read "Go Canada".

Now I realize I was never going to Vancouver, or any other winter games for speed skating, but there are ways to win Olympic Gold with a bicycle. Except to be frank, even if I was strong and young enough to make the Olympic team, I do not think I have the guts to do the required training and risk my life on account of the 'victims' of the so called "War On The Car".

A thought for motorists in the GTA, exactly how are Canadian athletes supposed to "Go" anywhere, besides a funeral home, if the act of training is life endangering?

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