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Friday, September 19, 2008

On Being Reborn

Okay, so here's the deal. I was thinking of making this a private diary, but I have a better idea. I am renaming things and changing philosophy.

First and foremost, no more anonymous postings. I allow people to post "anonymously" in the sense that you do not need a Google user ID, but if you post without your name, I delete. You have an opinion, good for you, but you better damned well be willing to put your name behind your opinion if you want me to even read it.

Two I am going to rant, you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. I need an outlet and guess what, this blog is my outlet. I piss you off, that's wonderful, write me an email, phone me, or if you are going to post something here be damned sure you want the whole world to read it. This is my space and I get to say what I want, how I want. Sometimes I am evening going to be offensive without meaning to be, and that's just life!

For example, apparently I insulted Georg's home, judging by his last comment I insulted it when I saw it from the end of his driveway as we moved my things from his car to the taxi. Here's a dirty little secret, we had been on the road from about 10am Sunday morning in Duluth MN until, oh 2am Monday morning in Toronto by that point, and guess what, I still had an hour of taxi riding ahead of me. I was so punchy I am pretty sure you could tell me I was reciting Shakespeare and I wouldn't know it. But I do recall he was giving me a tour of his neighbourhood and I knew enough to stay silent and hope it would end soon so I could get to bed. I am pretty sure besides the standard, "nice house" and "good night" I didn't say much of anything at all. His voice was horse and my throat was dry, so how he claims I insulted his home, well I honestly don't know, but then like I said, I could have said anything, I really don't remember that clearly.

Anyway none of that matters anymore. What matters is this, this is my space, where my opinions live. I may be detestable at times, I may be lovable at others. I will whine, I will rant, I will even say nice things, when I am not feeling like the curmudgeon that I usually am. But if you don't like what I have to write you shouldn't read my blog. If you don't like what I have to say, tell me to my face. But if you don't have the balls to face me and say "Michael I've got a problem with X Y and Z" well then frankly you don't have an opinion that I want to read.

That's my rant and I'm sticking too it.

As an aside, for me its a real shame, I must confess, when I first got the angry anonymous posts I knew the following:

  1. The person posting was using a mac.
  2. They lived in Mississauga
  3. They used Rogers

I suspected George for about a second, then thought to myself, he's too mature and too decent a guy to post that sort of inflammatory thing anonymously. I respected him that much. Wow am I a lousy judge of character. Let me also add, when he stopped posting anonymously and I saw it was Georg it was as if someone had punched me in the stomach, literally I felt physically ill, I am still shocked a day later. That whole fiasco completely blows me away.

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