I think I want to cry. I had set a goal of Lake Simcoe and back. I know I can do it, it's 180km and I have done 196.5, just last week. I did not achieve my goal, I had hoped other people would join me, but perhaps the 0530 start was too early? Maybe, unlike me, most people don't go for these ultra-endurance rides? Whatever the case I was alone and as it turned out, perhaps that was for the best. Something I ate for breakfast did not exactly, see eye to eye - so to speak (write) - with my stomach. I decided to turn for home at Vivian Road. (Incidentally, Warden is still under construction North of Vivian, besides some construction signs the only evidence that there is, or ought to be, construction on Warden is the fact that the road surface is absolutely pathetic, but not because it is being worked on, rather the road is just in plain bad shape.)
Anyway here is what I did, 101km, I guess nothing to be ashamed of, in April I'd be amazed by that kind of distance, but compared with what I wanted to achieve, and the average speed (only 25km/h), again see my remark about a stomach and a breakfast for my excuse for the lame speed. Since a blog is just a public diary I guess I should record my emotional state on making it home, I felt lame. Anyway enough from the self pity department. Here is the route if you don't want to click on the link.
Obviously this is an unsatisfactory state of affairs, therefore I invite my readers on a little ride. I propose that the Saturday after the Duluth North Shore Inline Marathon we all go for a little road bike ride. This ride is open to everyone who has the endurance, guys if you can hack a 42km inline skate Marathon a bike ride of this duration will be trivial... no it actually it won't be at all trivial, but I have faith. Of course I would like to see lots of people from the BCC as well, (the date I am proposing is September 20). The ride would start at the same 0530 time and would follow a similar route, except that we would stay with Warden once we cut over from Leslie right to Baseline Road and then use Warden for the return trip - keep things simple and Warden is mostly a pretty good road, except between Davis Dr. and Vivian but that's just 2 out of 90km.
For those of you who want to come but are not sure because you live far from the starting line and 0530 is awfully early you have two options. One, I have a guest bedroom, available on a first call first serve basis, you can spend Friday night here at The Beach (aka The Beaches). Or the other option, you can meet up at the Starbucks at Elgin Mills and Leslie (North East corner) at 0700, that ride is approximately 110km.
Baring appalling weather I am doing this, and I invite everyone to join in a bucolic adventure through Southern and Central Ontario. If you are joining in, please post a reply in the comments to this post. I will answer any questions you might have. If your questions are private, send an email to mjcole121@hotmail.com and post a quick note here telling me you emailed my hotmail account (or if you know my real email address, just use that).
September 20 I will do this if it kills me!
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