First a video I have posted to YouTube. Since I am no good at video editing (well I could hack this, but I'm too busy) I will just say, turn the sound off, you really don't need to hear the wind noise and my lame jokes at the very beginning - and they really are lame, like not even worth groaning about.
And here are a bunch of images in case you have not gotten your fill of Lake Simcoe (or me)!
In unrelated news, I gave blood yesterday, I documented that previously. It was donation number 62, or potentially 186 lives saved. I must admit though, donating blood is a pain from an athletic stand point. Normally I pass three or four street cars every day on my commute into the office. Today I had to really fight just to pass the first tram. Yesterday I was riding up a hill and I got completely winded, now granted I was climbing, but still recovery time is a lot worse and I am frantic for oxygen by the time I finish a sprint - far more frantic than normal. I suppose I should expect this, but it sure would be nice if I could be generous and donate without actually suffering. Oh well, I guess my suffering is pretty small compared with someone who needs a liver transplant.
There was an article in today's paper, the author, John Barber, proposed that Yonge Street be reduced from four lanes to two, one in each direction, then widen the sidewalks and make bike lanes that are physically separated from the road, with planters or something similar. What a great idea, only I've got one better. Reduce Yonge Street to two lanes and then do the same thing on Eglinton and Queen Street. In short make downtown bike accessible to normal people, i.e. people unlike me who are unwilling to ride among the 2 ton killing machines often benignly called cars.
In a perfect world, nobody would drive. But then in a perfect World I wouldn't need to commute.
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