New rule, motorists are not allowed to critique cyclists who run stop signs.
Today I almost got hit by a car, I was on Cosburn between Woodbine and Coxwell heading west, there are no stop signs, lights, or cross-walks on that stretch; however, there are several side roads that intersect Cosburn. A motorist in a tan Sunfire who had a strong resemblance to the fat bald mayor who hates all things that aren't cars or the Toronto Maple Leafs ran a stop and made a right turn right in front of me and then continued west only marginally faster than me. (I caught up with him at the light at Coxwell, that's how I got a good look at today's dangerous driver.)
Oh, another rule, gunning engines, passing a cyclist, cutting him (or her) off that's another show stopper. Motorists don't seem to understand they are operating a very large vehicle, if they cut someone off there is a strong chance they will end up side swiping and not actually cutting off.
You know the thing that really bothers me about all this? I could drive to work, I've got a vehicle, I can afford the diesel, parking is not that expensive. I choose to take transit or ride, for one thing I am causing less traffic, less wear on city roads, etc. More importantly, I am not poisioning the air we all have to breath. Anyway I promise, I will get around to an analytical review of the Space Shuttle eventually, but here is a thought to tide us all over for the time being, it's the Earth as seen from space, actually from the International Space Station. That's about 100km of air, we've fucked it up pretty good already and if we continue with our car driving wasteful ways, that blue stuff won't be able to sustain us for all that much longer.
This is it, we don't have a life boat, we screw up Earth, we are homeless.
I assume we all recognize Earthrise, taken by William Anders on the Apollo VIII mission to the moon, Christmas 1968? I sure don't see any other habbital planets within a few light years of that blue and white marble.
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