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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

On Long Rides

I know, I promised to explain why I think the Space Shuttle is the worst sort of engineering there is, but that will have to wait for another day. I've been riding.

Just over a week ago Ian Wilcox and I rode out to Klienburg, it was a nice short ride. Thanks to an exceedingly strong wind from the North West by the time we got out to the hills I was pretty tired and had some trouble with the hill climbing. Of course the trip home was blazing fast, but when I got home I was in quite a bit of pain.

Then instead of riding to Rochester this year I tried to ride to my Aunt and Uncle’s cottage. Dawn made me throw in the towel at Orillia (170km) she said I was looking really tired and I’d likely hurt myself if I pushed hard for too much longer. Probably this was a wise call, there was a lot of construction as I went further north.

Then Sunday I rode up to Lake Simcoe and back, I went with a few guys from the BCC who were prepping for the Louisville Ironman. I was the only guy on a road bike, everyone else was on a tri-bike. Frankly, drafting off a tri-bike is a good excuse to ride alone, there is no draft at all. As well, all those fancy Cervelo’s just kept breaking, flats, loose bottle cages, you name it. Unless a person really spends the time with their ride while she’s on the stand, she’s going to fail in all sorts of different ways on the road.

Then again, and this might be very un-Canadian of me, but I hate Cervelo, I think they are a very over-rated brand. People talk about how great the warrantee replacement at Cervelo is. Sure it’s great, everyone with a Cervelo has had to use it, sometimes two or three times. Now I’ll admit I have lots of Specialized bikes, but the only one that has every actually failed on me, was in a horrible crash and Specialized replaced that bike, which was a lot more, to be honest than I was expecting – and one, of several, reasons why a reader will never hear me bad mouth them, they make really nice machines.

I have to admit this year I’m really peeved, I cannot watch the Tour in real time, unless I get a TV cable at my desk at work or pay $30 I’m stuck using the PVR. Anyway its funny to hear the journalists talk about these early stages of the tour as if they matter. Everyone knows, winners, either Schleck or Contador will be found in the mountains in the south, not the wind swept north. Anyway my money is still on Contador, although I really want to know, where is the Manx Missile? I was expecting great things from Cav.

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