Recent events that I do not care to elaborate on have forced me to consider why I ride in a group and what group is suitable for me. In retrospect it occurs to me that the sort of group I would like to join is not nearly as structured as the one I am in now. As far as I am concerned too much effort is being spent organizing and soliciting volunteers and not enough time is spent actually on the saddle, riding.
Its a really simple concept, you get on your saddle and you go! I've been doing it since I was, oh three or four years old and its worked pretty well I'd have to say. But it seems when the group becomes large suddenly there is this need to accommodate people and change programs and plans and get headaches and grow grey hair and what the hell happened to the concept of just getting out there, away from computers, blackberries, managers, time lines, project plans and outcomes? Suddenly the world of the club has become a weekend version of my day job, but without the salary or company health insurance.
Actually here is my dirty little secret, often times I like to just ride alone. The solitude can be really nice. I learned that over the winter commute to and from the office. When you go on your own schedule and your own speed, when you don't worry about waking up early enough, well alright I have to be at the office on time, but its not like must be there at 7, because 7:05 everyone will have left, then riding takes the freedom that I always craved. Freedom from gasoline, freedom from auto mechanics and TTC schedules, and freedom of velocity and distance. That is the freedom I love.
Yesterday evening I went for a ride on the Transition (I still have to name her), I had to stop at a red light, some kids were crossing the street, one was walking a bike. Upon seeing mine said "that is a sick bike". When he got across he asked if it was a thousand dollars. Somewhat incredulously I replied, "what?" To which he said "Is that bike, like the wheels and everything a few thousand dollars?" "Oh she costs more than that, a lot more." And then I hammered off into the sunset, literally, I was going West and the light changed.
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