One of my favourite reads on the Huffington Post is Bob Cesca. That guy is so funny I laugh out loud during my lunch break when I read his stuff - not a good thing, it disturbs my co-workers. I love Cesca's take on the screwy "conservatives" in the United States.
Well today I noticed that Bob is a road cyclist, just like yours truly. Only one really big difference, he is a good writer. I wish I could write that well.
In other unrelated things, I am going to rant here about something that is literally thousands of miles from cycling, and if you only read my blog to find about about bikes or biking, you should probably skip the rest of this post, it won't interest you.
A reader would have to live in a cave to not know that this past Saturday (April 4) the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, (North Korea) or as the American service personal in the Korean peninsula call it, the KFR (Kim Family Regime), fired a missile, ostensibly to put a communications satellite in orbit. At this point there is no satellite broadcasting songs of faith and devotion to the Dear Leader, this the result of the fact that the booster payload ended up in the Pacific Ocean, despite claims to the contrary by the Korean Central News Agency (I tend to believe NORAD before I believe anything that comes from the DPRK.)
That the North Koreans would test a missile does not surprise me, this is not a first. Nor is it any secret that the Korean's have the bomb, they tested one of those a few years ago. But this is all very disturbing. The North Koreans have the ability to turn Tokyo or Soul into a sea of fire, they are very near the means to do the same to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle or Vancouver (how much longer until Washington, New York, Montreal and Toronto are in range?)
Furthermore given the isolationist and more than eccentric nature of the North's leadership, a cult like following of the Dear Leader, I honestly believe the World is at greater risk of a nuclear exchange than it has been since October of 1962.
Well there are two countries that have the ear of the DPRK's leadership, China and Russia. Well in the aftermath of the recent missile launch, while Japan, who's airspace was violated by the missile and South Korea were in a frenzied state at the United Nations demanding that something be done, while the Obama administration who had only a short time earlier proclaimed their support for a negotiated settlement with the DPRK that would lead to a normalization of relations. What do China and Russia do? Well to date, not a damned thing that matters.
The only two countries in the whole world who actually hold credible sway over the DPRK have apparently done dick.
If something is not done soon I really do believe a missile is going to be launched from the DPRK and even if there were an NMD system it won't work because NMD is pie-in-the-sky boondoggle and not real science. That North Korean missile will carry a (possibly several) nuclear payload(s) and detonate over major cities in North America. If my horror story is true the guilty parties will not just be in Pyongyang but also Beijing and Moscow for they allowed this evil to fester.
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